Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

  • Davide Barilari, Ugo Boscain and Mario Sigalotti were organizers of the IHP trimester “Geometry, Analysis and Dynamics on Sub-Riemannian Manifolds”, Fall 2014, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.

  • Ugo Boscain and Mario Sigalotti were organizers of the CIRM School (Marseille) “Sub-Riemannian manifolds: from geodesics to hypoelliptic diffusion”, September 2014.

Member of editorial boards
  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization

  • Ugo Boscain is Managing Editor of Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

  • Mario Sigalotti is Associate Editor of Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of ESAIM Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of Mathematical Control and Related Fields

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate editor of Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces